Optimal Health and Time, and Clocks; A Short Talk by Janet Travell
A Short Talk by Janet Travell: When I was growing up, I went with my family for a few weeks each year during summer vacations to our farm in Western Massachusetts, Merryfield Farm. Shortly after we arrived, my mother, Janet Travell, would ask me, my sister and my father to give her all our clocks and watches. She would take these various time-telling devices and hide them in a secret place for the duration of our stay and then return them to us just as we were going back home.
Medicine, Marriage and Motherhood
A Keynote Address: When Janet Travell was eighty-one years old she asked a young friend of hers, Peter Costa, who was living with her at the time, how she could improve the remarks she had prepared for the Keynote Address that she was going to give at the upcoming Celebration of Women in Medicine at Hahnemann University in Philadelphia in March of that year, 1983.