Published Papers

Scientific and Popular Articles, Interviews, and Conferences

Janet Travell was the author of more than one hundred published articles which have appeared in many journals and publications on subjects such as: pharmacology, neurology, rheumatology, cardiology, internal medicine, housework and popular subjects, and industrial seating design. Some are listed below.

Travell, Janet G.

Basic Principles of Myofascial Pain. A Talk Written November 1, 1984. In: The International Journal of Applied Kinesiology and Kinesiologic Medicine, Castello Editore, Milan Italy, Issue No. 13, Spring 2002, pp. 12 - 15.

Travell, J.G.

Chronic myofascial pain syndromes: Mysteries of the history. In: ADVANCES IN PAIN

RESEARCH AND THERAPY, Fricton, J.R. and Awad, E.A., Editors, Volume 17, Raven Press, New York, Chapter 6, 1990, pp. 129 - 137.

Simons, D.G., Travell, J., and Simons, L.S.

Protecting the Ozone Layer. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1990, 71:64.

Simons, D.G., Travell, J. and Simons, L.S.

Suggestions: Alternate Spray; Alternate Treatments: Progress Report. American Physical

Therapy Association, March 1989, 18.2.

Travell, J.G.

Foreword. In: HANDBOOK OF CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT, Tollison, C.D., Editor, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1989, pp. vii.

Funt, Lawrence A., Travell, J., et all

Coordinating Care for the Myofascial Pain Patient: A DM Roundtable Discussion. DENTAL MANAGEMENT, Hartcourt Brace Jovanovich, 26:28 - 34, Dec. 1986, pp. 28 - 34.

Funt, Lawrence A. and Travell, J.

Interview with Lawrence A. Funt: Myofacsial Pain: Diagnosis and Treatment. DENTAL MANAGEMENT, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, June 1985, 25:44 - 53.


Simons, D.G. and Travell, J.G.

Myofascial Pain Syndromes. In: TEXTBOOK OF PAIN, Wall, P.D. and Melzack, R., Editors, Churchill Livingstone, London, Chapter 25, pp. 263 - 276, 1984; Second Edition, 1989, pp. 368 - 385.

Travell, J.G.

Letter-to-Editor. Prevention of Turtle Headache. J.A.M.A., Jan. 13, 1984, 251:216.

Travell, J.G.

Guest Editorial: A Conjoint Attack on the Causes of Craniomandibular Pain. Journal of Craniomandibular Practice, March - May 1984, 2:109 - 110. 

Travell, J.G.

Letter-to-Editor. More on Turtle Headache. J.A.M.A., Feb. 4, 1983, 249:591 - 592.   

Simons, D.G. and Travell, J.G.

Myofascial Origins of Low Back Pain. Postgraduate Medicine, Feb. 1983, 73:66 - 108: Part 1: Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment, pp. 66 - 77; Part 2: Torso Muscles, pp. 81 - 92; Part 3: Pelvic and Lower Extremity Muscles, pp. 99 - 108.

Simons, D.G. and Travell, J.G.

Myofascial Trigger Points, a Possible Explanation. PAIN, 1981, 10:106 - 109.

Travell, J.

Identification of Myofascial Trigger Point Syndromes: a Case of Atypical Neuralgia. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1981, 62:100 - 106.

Travell, J.G.

A Trigger Point for Hiccups. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 1977, 77:308 - 312.

Travell, J.

Myofascial Trigger Points: Clinical View. In: ADVANCES IN PAIN RESEARCH AND THERAPY, Edited by Bonica, J.J. and Albe-Fessard, D., Volume 1, Raven Press, New York, 1976, pp. 919 - 926.

Travell, J.

The Quadratus Lumborum Muscle: An Overlooked Cause of Low Back Pain. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1976, 57:566.

Simons, D.G. and Travell, J.G.

The Latissimus Dorsi Syndrome: A Source of Mid-Back Pain. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1976, 57:561.

Travell, J.G.

Nonstick Trick for Pill Swallowing. Patient Care, June 1975, 9:17.

Travell, J.

Low Back Pain and the Dudley J. Morton Foot (Long Second Toe). Archives of Physical

Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1975, 56:566.

Travell, J.G.

Audio Tape on Trigger Areas, Pain and Its Treatment. Orthopaedic Audio-Synopsis Foundation, R.D. Shlens, M.D., Publisher, Los Angeles, CA, 1970.

Newman, E. and Travell, J.

Speaking Freely. WNBC TELEVISION, Aired Feb. 9, 1969; filmed Jan. 9, 1969, WNBC - TV Community Affairs Dept. 

Travell, J.

Mechanical Headache. Headache, 1967, 7: 23 - 29.

Travell, Janet

White House Conference on Health. Proceedings of the White House Conference on Health, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, DC, Nov. 3 - 4, 1965, pp. 171 & 488. 

Travell, Janet G.

How Fitness Begins. In: FITNESS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. Doubleday & Company, Garden City, NY, 1964, pp. 55 - 57.

Travell, Janet

Use and Abuse of the Muscles in Housework. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, Feb. 1963, 18:159 - 162.

Travell, Janet

How to Relieve Aches and Pains. (Interview.) U.S. News & World Report, Feb. 20, 1961, pp. 66 - 71; condensed: Why We Have Aches and Pains -- And What to Do About Them. Reader's Digest, Pleasantville, NY, May 1961, pp. 91 - 95; condensed: Muscular Aches and Pains. In: OUR HUMAN BODY. ITS WONDERS AND CARE, Pleasantville, NY, Reader's Digest Association, 1962, pp. 198 - 202.

Travell, Janet (with Lewis, D.)

Fit To Be President. Sports Illustrated, pp. 57 - 58, April 3, 1961; reprinted: Fit To Be President. Scouting, Oct. 1961, pp. 8 - 9.

Travell, Janet

Letter to the Editor. U.S. News & World Report, March 13, 1961, p. 16.

Travell, J.

Temporomandibular Joint Pain Referred from Muscles of the Head and Neck. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Volume 10, No. 4, 1960, pp. 745 - 763.

Travell, J.    

The Absorption of Nicotine from Various Sites. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, XC, 1960, pp. 13 - 30.

Travell, J., Karp, D., and Rinzler, S.H.

How To Give Painless Injections. In: Abstracts of the Tenth Annual Assembly, American Academy of General Practice, Dallas, TX, March 1958, pp. 17 - 19, (Kansas City, MO, American Academy of General Practice).

Weeks, V.D.* and Travell, J.

*(Janet Travell's niece, Virginia D. Weeks, M.D.)

How To Give Painless Injections. In: A.M.A. Scientific Exhibits, (Grune & Stratton, New York), 1957, pp. 318 - 322.

Travell, J.

Symposium on the Mechanism and Management of Pain Syndromes. In: Proceedings of the Rudolf Virchow Medical Society in the City of New York, (Basel, S. Karger), 1957, 16:128 - 135.

Travell, Janet

Chairs Are a Personal Thing. HOUSE BEAUTIFUL, Oct. 1955, pp. 190 - 193, & pp. 262 - 269; reprinted: How to Choose a Chair. Ibid, July 1961, pp. 80 - 83, 104 - 105; condensed: Ladies and Gentlemen, Be Seated -- Properly. Reader's Digest, Pleasantville, NY, Aug. 1961, pp. 159 - 162.

Travell, J.

Factors Affecting Pain of Injection. J.A.M.A., June 4, 1955, 158:368 - 371.

Weeks, V.D.* and Travell, J.

*(Janet Travell's niece, Virginia D. Weeks, M.D.)

Postural Vertigo Due to Trigger Areas in the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle. Journal of Pediatrics, Sept. 1955, 47:315 - 327.

Travell, J.

Referred Pain from Skeletal Muscle:

1) The Pectoralis Major Syndrome of Breast Pain and Soreness; 2) Sternomastoid Syndrome of Headache and Dizziness. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1955, 55:331 - 339.

Travell, J.

Assessment of Drugs for Therapeutic Efficacy: Proceedings of the Third Medical Conference of the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc. American Journal of Physical Medicine, Feb. 1955, 35:129 - 139.

Rinzler, S.H., Stein, I., Bakst, H., Weinstein, J., Gittler, R., and Travell, J.

Blocking Effect of Ethyl Chloride Spray on Cardiac Pain Induced by Intravenous Ergonovine Maleate. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1954, 110:43 (Abstract).

Travell, J.

Introductory Comments. In: Connective Tissues, Transactions of the Fifth Conference, (Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation. New York, Feb. 8-10, 1954), Edited by Ragan, C., 1954, pp. 12 - 22.

Travell, J.

Sciatica and Low Back Pain. (Practitioner's Conference, 1951). Practitioner's Conference, Volume 1, 1954.

Travell, J. (with Reid, A.C. and Clapp, M.P.)

Housework and the Physician-Mother. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, VIII, Feb. 1953, pp. 63 - 64.

Travell, J., Rinzler, S.H., Bakst, H., Benjamin, Z.H., et all

Effect of Heparin in Effort Angina. American Journal of Medicine, XIV, April 1953, pp. 438 - 447.  

Rinzler, S.H., Travell, J, Bakst, H., et all

Effect of Heparin on Angina of Effort. Federation Proceedings, 1953, 12:361 (Abstract).

Travell, J. (with Lydgate, W. A.)

Today's Family Doctor - Are YOU One in a Million? (Cartoon Strip.) Today's Family, May 1953, p. 79. 

Powell, Janet Travell

Doctor, Wife and Mother. Wellesley Alumnae Magazine, Nov. 1953, pp. 13 - 14.

Travell, J. and Rinzler, S.H. 

The Myofascial Genesis of Pain: A Scientific Exhibit. Postgraduate Medicine, Volume 11, No. 5, May 1952, pp. 425 - 434.

Travell, J.

Ethyl Chloride Spray in Painful Muscle Spasm. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, May 1952, 33:291 - 298.

Travell, J., Baker, S.J., Hirsch, B.B., et all

Myofascial Component of Intermittent Claudication. Federation Proceedings, 1952, 11:164 (Abstract).

Travell, J.

Pain Mechanisms in Connective Tissue. In: Connective Tissues, Transactions of the Second Conference, (Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, New York, May 24-25, 1951), Edited by Ragan, C., 1952, pp. 86 - 125.

Modell, W., Travell, J., Kraus, H., et all

Cornell Conferences on Therapy: Relief of Pain by Ethyl Chloride Spray. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1952, 52:1550 - 1558; republished in Cornell Conferences on Therapy, V, Macmillan Company, New York, 1952, pp. 164 - 185.

Travell, J.

Early Relief of Chest Pain by Ethyl Chloride Spray in Acute Coronory Thrombosis: Case Report. Circulation, 1951, 3:120 - 124.

Travell, J., Koprowska, I., Hirsch, B.B., et all

Effect of Ethyl Chloride Spray on Thermal Burns. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1951, 101:36.

Travell, J.

The Adductor Longus Syndrome. A Cause of Groin Pain; Its Treatment by Local Block of Trigger Areas (Procaine Infiltration and Ethyl Chloride Spray). Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1950, 26:284 - 287.

Greiner, T., Gold, H., Cattell, McK., Travell, J., et all

A Method for the Evaluation of the Effects of Drugs on Cardiac Pain in Patients with Angina of Effort: A Study of Khellin (Visammin). American Journal of Medicine, Aug. 1950, 9:143 - 155.

Rinzler, S.H., Bakst, H., Benjamin, Z.H., Bobb, A.L. and Travell, J.

Failure of Alpha Tocopherol to Influence Chest Pain in Patients with Heart Disease. Circulation, Feb. 1950, 1:288 - 293.

Travell, Janet

Six Ways to Make Housework Lighter. Today's Woman, Fawcett Publications, Greenwich, CT, Feb. 1950, p. 38; and Don't Argue When He Wants to Exercise. Ibid., Sept. 1950.

Travell, J.

Discussion of "Myofascial Pain" by Ralph Gorrell, J.A.M.A., CXLII, Feb. 25, 1950, pp. 557.

Travell, J.

Discussion of "Diagnosis and Treatment of Mechanical Backache" by George S. Phalen. J.A.M.A., CXLI, Oct. 15, 1949, p. 448.

Travell, J. and Rinzler, S. H.

Influence of Ethyl Chloride Spray on Deep Pain and Ischemic Contraction of Skeletal Muscle. Federation Proceedings, 1949, 8:339 (Abstract).

Travell, J.

Rapid Relief of Acute "Stiff Neck" by Ethyl Chloride Spray. Journal of the American Women's Association, 1949, 4:89 - 95; condensed: Relief of Acute Stiff Neck, Modern Medicine, Aug. 15, 1949, p. 54.

Travell, J.

Basis for the Multiple Uses of Local Block of  Somatic Trigger Areas (Procaine Infiltration and Ethyl Chloride Spray). Mississippi Valley Medical Journal, 1949, 71:13 - 21.

Travell, J., Rinzler, S.H., et all

Comparison of Effects of Alpha Tocopherol and a Matching Placebo on Chest Pain in Patients with Heart Disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Oct. 31, 1949, 52:345 - 353.

Rinzler, S.H. and Travell, J.

Therapy Directed at the Somatic Component of Cardiac Pain. American Heart Journal, 1948, 35:248 - 268.

Modell, W., Travell, J., et all

Cornell Conferences on Therapy: Treatment of Painful Disorders of Skeletal Muscle. New York State Journal of Medicine, XLVIII, 1948, pp. 2050 - 2059; republished in Cornell Conferences on Therapy, IV, Macmillan Company, New York, 1951, pp. 253 - 279.

Travell, J. and Rinzler, S.H.

Pain Syndromes of the Chest Muscles: Resemblance to Effort Angina and Myocardial Infarction, and Relief by Local Block. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1948, 59:333 - 338.

Travell, J. and Bobb, A.L.

Mechanism of Relief of Pain in Sprains by Local Injection Techniques. Federation Proceedings, 1947,  6:378 (Abstract). 

Travell, J. and Bigelow, N.H.

Role of Somatic Trigger Areas in the Patterns of Hysteria. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1947, 9:353 - 363.

Rinzler, S.H. and Travell, J.

The Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Presence of the Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. American Journal of Medicine, 1947, 3:106 - 112.

Travell, J. and Travell, W.* 

*(Janet Travell's father, Willard Travell)

Therapy of Low Back Pain by Manipulation and of Referred Pain in the Lower Extremity by Procaine Infiltration. Archives of Physical Medicine, 1946, 27:537 - 547.

Travell, J. and Bigelow, N.H.

Referred Somatic Pain Does Not Follow a Simple "Segmental" Pattern. Federation Proceedings, Feb. 1946, 5:106.

Travell, J. and Rinzler, S.H.

Relief of Cardiac Pain by Local Block of Somatic Trigger Areas. Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1946, 63:480 - 482.

Gold, H. and Travell, J.

Cornell Conferences on Therapy: Management of Pain Due to Muscle Spasm. New York State Journal of Medicine, XLV, Oct. 1, 1945, pp. 2095; republished in Cornell Conferences on Therapy, III, Macmillan Company, New York, 1949, pp. 203 - 233.

Travell, J., Berry, C., and Bigelow, N.

Effects of Referred Somatic Pain on Structures in the Reference Zone. Federation Proceedings, 1944, 3:49 (Abstract).

Rinzler, S.H., Travell, J., and Civin, H.

The Oscillometric Index. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1944, 73:241.

Gold, Harry, Travell, Janet, et all

Cornell Conferences on Therapy: Use and Abuse of Bed Rest. New York State Journal of Medicine. Volume 44, No. 7, 1944, pp. 724; republished in Cornell Conferences on Therapy, I, Macmillan Company, New York, 1946, pp. 18 - 35.

Keating, J.U. and Travell, J.

Comparison of Antidotes from Phenol Burns of the Skin. Federation Proceedings, 1943, 2:83.

Travell, J., Fox, T.T., and Molofsky, L.

Action of Digitalis on Conduction in the Syndrome of Short P-R Interval and Prolonged QRS Complex. Archives of Internal Medicine, LXXI, 1943, pp. 206 - 218.

Gold, H., Kwit, N.T., Catell, McK., and Travell, J.

Studies on Purified Digitalis Glycosides: IV. The Single Dose Method of Digitalization by Digitoxin. J.A.M.A., 1942, 119:928 - 932.

Travell, J., Rinzler, S., and Herman, M.

Pain and Disability of the Shoulder and Arm: Treatment by Intramuscular Infiltration with Procaine Hydrochloride. J.A.M.A., Oct. 10, 1942, 120:417 - 422.

Travell, W.* and Travell, J. 

*(Janet Travell's father, Willard Travell)

Technique for Reduction and Ambulatory Treatment of Sacroiliac Displacement. Archives of Physical Therapy, April 1942, 23:222 - 246.

Travell, W.* and Travell, J.

*(Janet Travell's father, Willard Travell) 

Modifications and Effects of the Static Surge of the Static Wire-Brush Discharge. Archives of Physical Therapy, 1941, 22:486 - 489.

Travell, J.

Some Recent Advances in Hypnosis and Sedation. In: Medical Clinics of North America, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1940, 24:603 - 611.

Travell, J.

The Influence of the Hydrogen Ion Concentration on the Absorption of Alkaloids from the Stomach. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1940, 6:21.

Travell, J., Bodansky, O., and Gold, H.

Nicotine Excretion and the Role of its Reabsorption from the Bladder as a Source of Nicotine Poisoning in Tobacco Smokers. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1940, 69:307.

Travell, J., Gold, H., and Modell, W.

The Effect of Experimental Cardiac Infarction on the Response to Digitalis. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1938, 61:184 - 197.

Travell, J.

The Absorption of Alkaloids from the Stomach. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, LXIII, 1938, p. 37.

Gold, H., Modell, W., and Travell, J.

The Influence of the Size of Cardiac Infarctions Upon Electrocardiograms. American Heart Journal, 

1938, 15:77.

Travell, J., Gold, H., and Modell, W.

The Blood Pressure and the Size of a Cardiac Infarction. American Heart Journal,

1938, 15:448 - 451.

Gold, H., Travel, J., and Modell, W.

The Effect of Theophylline with Ethylenediamine (Aminophylline) on the Course of Cardiac Infarction Following Experimental Coronary Occlusion. American Heart Journal, 1937, 14:284 - 296.

Gold, H. and Travell, J.

The Vaso-Depressor Effect of Strychnine after Ether, Alchol, Barbital or Chloral. Archives of Internationale de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 1935, 50:1 - 14.

Travell, J. and Gold, H.

Mechanism of Action of Strychnine on Respiration. Journal of Pharmacology and ExperimentalTherapeutics, 1935, 53:169.

Travell, J. and Gold, H.

Ether and Strychnine Antagonism. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1934, 52:259 - 274.

Travell, J. and Gold, H.

Strychnine in Poisoning by Alcohol. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1934, 52:345 - 354.

Travell, J.

The Potassium Mercuric Iodide Reagents for Alkaloids. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association,  XXIII, 1934, pp. 689 - 698.

Travell, J.

A Contribution to the Pharmacology of Pseudomorphine. Journal of Pharmacology and 

Experimental Therapeutics, 1932, 44:123 - 150.

DeGraff, A. C., Travell, J., and Yager, J.A.

An Electrocardiographic Study of the Heart in Lobar Pneumonia. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1931, 10:633 - 651.

Gold, H., Travell, J., and Kwit, N.

Depression of the Vomiting Reflex by the Digitalis Bodies. American Heart Journal, 1931, 7:165 - 181.

Wyckoff, J., Gold, H., and Travell, J.

Importance of Differences in the Potency of Digitalis in Clinical Practice. American Heart 

Journal, 1930, 5:401 - 411.

Travell, J. and Behre, J.A.

The Effect of Insulin Upon the Rate of Fermentation of Glucose by Yeast. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1924, 21:478 - 479.